I've been a college athlete and a soccer-mom. I've been fit, I've been fat, I got fit again. Like many of you I have major health challenges. In the process, I became a personal trainer because I know what it is to struggle with the weight issue. I've trained hundreds and what I've concluded it is about HEALTH, not weight:
I chose not to compete with thousands of fitness programs available, thousands of diets available. What makes the difference is being successful has less to do with which one you follow, and more with the fact that you DO follow through with it. Motivation to press-through is critical.
Even if you choose the worst program, if you actually do it long
enough will produce more results than the best program left undone.
Realizing that, I can invest myself best in helping people keep their head in the game, their heart in the process and their body moving.
So, What is the Focus of Palmetto Fitness Focus?
Palmetto Fitness Focus is the culmination of my life-goal of empowering people to health and fitness beyond the area of influence I have in my physical community.
Palmetto Fitness Focus blog is a companion resource to a free weekly E-newsletter. The Blog is shorter, the weekly E-newsletters are more detailed,include recipes, motivational quotes and challenge activites for those of us who learn better by DOING rather than by simply reading. If you are not regularly receiving the Palmetto Fitness Focus newsletter, you can subscribe using the form on this blog.
Missed some? A copy of all the newsletters I've published are available at http://community.icontact.com/p/palmettofitnessfocus2/newsletters/newsletters
Head's UP! Next week I will finally launch my website, which will include more about Palmetto Fitness Focus but also many other aspects of my life purpose.