Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Fountain of Youth

The Bureau of Labor Statistics predicts that 43% of the U.S. labor force will become eligible to retire between 2004 and 2012. Think of that. That's a lot of senior adults.

Retirement can be a hard transition. Some of the bigger challenges in retirement relate to health and well being. Just the time you have more time to do more fun things, you find that your body isn't up for those challenges. Boomers need to be ready for retirement from a health perspective. It has been said, growing old is not for sissies. So let's postpone growing old!- RIGHT! No, I'm serious.
There is a difference between your chronological age and your functional age.

One of my new favorite books is called Younger Next Year by Chris Crowley and Dr. Henry Lodge.
They show that if you give your body a reason to remain useful, it will stay vital, but if you don't, it will decay and grow old. You have only to look at the 41 year old olympic swimmer to see that age can be deferred.

Another resource: There is a wonderful site I discovered a number of years called It has a quiz that you can take, and it helps you determine if you are younger or older than your chronological age, but more importantly it gives you some check list of what you can do to improve your score.

People who exercise regularly- whether vigerously or not, have stronger immune system, have stronger bone structure and more vital mental attitude. Exercise is the proverbial "Fountain of Youth"

Whether you retire shortly or you have a few years to work on it, you should make every effort to be at the best physical shape you can as you enter into your sixties.

Don't put off this incredibly important aspect. Begin TODAY eating healthier foods, and putting activity into your life. You will be shocked at the way your body responds- after all, you were made to move.

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