Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas!

I began this year working with a life coach, and first of all wrote down my purpose and vision
My Purpose:
To Love and serve God.
To be a leader using my gifts and talents to positively impact people and the world.

My career vision is to create and lead adentures or innovations that empower people through motivation and teamwork to be beter and stronger people.

and the affirmation I live by is
I drive my life by
focusing on God,
organizing my life and
managing my time.

My passion to help others is bigger than the number of people I have the hours to physically work with in one locatin and through the internet I hope to impact many more.

Christmas is a wonderful time of year to be aware of how blessed I am.

This year I realized a dream I've had for a while- to establish a website and blog
to help many people live a healthy and longer life.
Thank you to April Heyward and Cindy Witt for helping me grow and accomplish so much.

I am grateful for your interest in following this blog and your commitment
to living a healthy life. I am excited to see what 2009 holds.


Tuesday, December 23, 2008


Recently I was the speaker for a business networking luncheon- my topic was "Being connected- the currency of today"
Currency is nothing more than an exchange of value

What something is worth to you is what you will exchange for what is precious to you.
We've gone through several currencies over the years:
Let's say you have a charity event and are looking for sponsors
  1. In 1900, "I'll donate 1 jug of my cow's milk"- stuff became hard to work with so money was created to speed things up.
  2. In 1950 "I'll volunteer my time"-eventually, our TIME was more valuable than our money
  3. 1980 "I'll just send a check" - don't ask me to take time from my family!
  4. Today "I will lend my influence- I"ll send to my list and recruit my network to the cause"

The currency today is CONNECTION- how well off you are is directly related to how connected you are- how many people can you stay in contact with . We build and work our network.

Don't believe me? Think about it-- when power goes out- what are you most frustrated at losing? the internet! When it comes on- the first thing you do is check your email!

To stay connected, there are social networking sites all over the place.

Take me for example, I have various segmented parts of my life- I have different ways to stay connected with each of them. Some are fun, some are personal, some are business, some are minstry related

I have a home phone, a cell phone with text, I have 8 email accounts, a website, a blog, I'm on Twitter (2 tagnames), facebook, Linked-In, Plaxo, Mychurch.

I may be alone in the room but turst me, I am CONNECTED! -If you can't find me you aren't looking very hard.

so here are all the ways you can find me if you are also on social media:

email: with your connection data and keep in touch!

Friday, December 5, 2008

Healthy Holiday Survival tip #19 crunch time!

Healthy Holiday Survival tip #19
During the holiday season there are those days when it is hard to get your regular complete workout, do something, do anything!!
Try crunches, climb the stairs or march in place etc.
It may not be the BEST but it will “hold the habit” in place and you'll find it easier to stay on track or get back on track, because you never GOT OFF TRACK!

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Healthy Holiday Survival tip #17-Throw it!

Healthy Holiday Survival tip #17- which is worse, throwing away the leftover pie or gaining the pounds that result if you do not

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Healthy Holiday Survival tip #16 Calorie-free Contentment

Healthy Holiday Survival tip #16
Calorie-free Contentment

As you appreciate the people you love and the aspects of your life that you are glad about -you'll discover a neat side effect:
it takes your mind off yourself and builds contentment without food being the center of that contentment.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Healthy Holiday Survival tip #15 eating choices

Healthy Holiday Survival tip #15-
You will have many opportunities for special meals in these next 6 weeks.
There are Good choices, there are better Choices and there are best choices
Here's an easy one:
Save 100+ calories by serving roasted red potatoes rather than mashed potatoes with gravy