Tuesday, July 29, 2008

P.P.P.P.P, Seriously!

Proper Planning Prevents Poor

Seems simple enough
Do you believe it?
Planning is the single most effective technique to reach any goal but especially weight management.
  1. Plan a perfect day, what would you eat, when would you eat it, what would you do for exercise,when would you do it.
  2. Plan 3 versions of breakfast, Lunch and Dinner. Rotate so you don't get bored but having a limited menu takes the stress out of decision making, and groceries needed.
  3. Each week, look at your week coming up- what would happen to keep it from being the perfect day that you planned: a trip, a party, eating out, lunch meeting, company?
  4. Plan specifically how you plan to be successful in light of that activity-
  • Will you eat before you go?
  • Will you plan what to order?
  • Will you bring your own food?
  • Will you get up early and walk before others are up?
  • Does the hotel have a workout facilty or will your trip include activities that are exercise-able?
  • What groceries do you need to stock in the refridgerator?
  • What do you need to pack in your lunch/snack pack?

You can be successful.

Proper Planning Prevents Poor Performance.

Proper Planning & Persistence Provides Pleasure!

Saturday, July 26, 2008

3 Everyday Things That Accelerate Weight Loss

Seems like everytime I turn on TV and there are advertisements for all kind of aides for weight loss. Like magic, they promise to melt fat with little to no effort. Even though we know better, we are somehow sucked in to hoping there is some quick fix to a long term problem. We could spend a fortune on gadgets and books etc to lose weight. You do need to spend calories in excess of what your eat

Did you know that you you have these three surprising weight loss aids right in your house?
  1. Disposable Zipper Bags: This is one of my favorite tricks. It is an amazingly simple tool that makes your life easier, your planning more effective and maintains portion control. Let's say you buy a box of, triscuits, for example. Immediately empty the box into portions of 7 into snack sized bags and put the baggies back in the box. When you reach for the box, you won't be tempted to over eat because the portion has already been determined. This works for your mid meal "snacks", like almonds, I even divide and bag my lunch supplies like deli-sliced turkey and bread. Save time loading your lunch and snacks in the morning by already having everything in bags- it is just grab and go!
  2. An Oven Timer: One of the hinderences people give about exercising is the impression that you must put in an hour or more or just skip it. Well 10 minutes here, 10 minutes there, a brisk walk, or walking up and down your staircase will all pay dividends. Setting a timer will relieve you of the inclination to skip it completely if you only have 10-15 minutes. Remember: Life by the inch- is a cinch!
  3. Your Kitchen Counter: Doing multi-joint exercises are the fastest way to burn calories and two of my favorite utilize a sturdy surface like a kitchen counter. Push-ups are a fabulous exercise utilizing most of your upper body muscles simultaneously. When you begin, it may be a while before you are able to do floor push-ups. No problem! Do them against a counter, or your stairs. As you get stronger, look for lower surfaces that are sturdy. For lower body, do backward lunges. Use your finger tips on the counter for balance, put a kitchen towel under one toe and slide that leg behind you (10 per leg).
My advise: If you want to get the most out of your efforts, use multi-joint exercises and use portion control.
I am available for E-coaching if you want fitness program or nutrition assistance specific to your situation.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Tomorrow Not Promised

I went to a funeral today.
I haven't been to very many.
Her death was quick in coming once her illness set in.
She lived long enough for all the right words to transpire, but not long enough to see the third grandchild born, and she knew, and served God.

The thing about funerals is that you can't escape seeing yourself in the scenerio.
What would be said about my life? Would so many come to "pay respects" and support my loved ones. Will I have the luxury of time to say "I love you" to my beloved?
It isn't like any of us are getting around the fact that we WILL die.
It is just when, and how.

More importantly, are we LIVING well, the time we have on this earth, and do we know for a fact what happens when we leave this world?
She did.
I do.
Do you?

Friday, July 18, 2008

National Epidemic- Obesity

Top story on Fox news website this morning was the CDC rankings on obesity by state

I was surprised that there were 10 states that ranked better than California,
I was looking with one eye closed to find where my beloved South Carolina ranked. I was actually pleased and yet chagrinned to find it #7. I anticipated it's statistics would have been worse, so actually seven was good. Then I had the reality check, that 28.4- almost 3/10 people are considered obese- having a body mass index of above 30. Body Mass index is your weight divided by your height. While not a perfect measurement, it helps put handles on whether a person is edging toward a plethora of lifestyle diseases that are correlated to carrying excessive fat, especially around the midline.

There is work to do!
If you are looking heart disease, diabetes, sleep apnea, oasteoarthritis in the mirror every day, let's talk.
There are a million "diets" on the market- most don't work because they are quick fixes to a life long issues- and they only work.....if you do! Palmettofitnessfocus blog, newsletter and e-coaching are about DAILY weight loss motivation. post a comment on this post or email me at palmettofitness at Yahoo for details on a program of daily emails, weekly check-ins and monthly teleconferences designed to keep you managing your weight.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Golf lessons on life

One of the big goals in life for more than a few years ahas been to learn to play the game of golf.

I have always marvelled at how consuming it can be for some people and others yawn at the very thought of it. I could easily become one of the obsessive compulsives as relates to this game. I've had a dozen lessons, and played only a couple times, but it is just, well, neat.

This women's golf league encourages the use of carts to facilitate the speed of play. When I had the privilege of playing with my father, we walked. I liked walking the course. We got a lot of good talking done in the slightly extended time it took to play nine holes. Secondly, golf courses are beautifully groomed as a rule and aside from frying in the sun, exercise is a good thing any way you can make an excuse for it.

Whether or not you like golf, find an excuse to enjoy a beautiful walk this week. Even better if you can walk with someone you care about.

Selecting the Right Weight Loss Plan

Selecting a Weight Loss Program

If your health care provider tells you that you should lose weight and you want to find a weight-loss program to help you, look for one that is based on regular physical activity and an eating plan that is balanced, healthy, and easy to follow.

Before You Sign Up For Any Weight Loss Program

Some people lose weight on their own; others like the support of a structured program. Overweight people who are successful at losing weight, and keeping it off, can reduce their risk factors for heart disease. If you decide to join any kind of weight control program, Department of Health and Human Services, National Institutes of Health has provided some questions to ask before you join.- I've added Why Health Coach + for each point NIH addresses:
Q Does the program provide counseling to help you change your eating activity, and personal habits?The program should teach you how to change permanently those eating habits and lifestyle factors, such as lack of physical activity that have
contributed to weight gain.
A Health Coach Method is a comprehensive behavior modification program that is individually paced, yet progressively addresses how you eat and how you move.
Q Is the staff made up of a variety of qualified counselors and health professionals such as nutritionists, registered dietitians, doctors, nurses, psychologists, and exercise physiologists?You need to be evaluated by a physician if you have any health problems, are currently taking any
medicine, or plan on taking any medicine, or plan to lose more than 15 to 20 pounds. If your weight control plan uses a very low-calorie diet (a special liquid formula that replaces all food for 1 to 4 months), an exam and follow up visits by a doctor are also needed.
A Health Coach+ staff includes a physician, registered dietician, medical exercise specialists and nutrition coaches. Health Coach Method was reviewed and approved by registered dieticians and do not include low-calorie diets. We do encourage clients to begin with a physician exam and doctor approval for at-risk clients

Q Is training available on how to deal with times when you may feel stressed and slip back to old habits?The program should provide long-term strategies to deal with weight problems you may have in the future. These strategies might include things like setting up a support system and establishing a physical activity routine.
A During your weekly Health Coach Method coaching session, one essential component we emphasize is planning a success strategy for intended and unintended interruptions to your designed plan.
Q Is attention paid to keeping the weight off? How long is this phase?Choose a program that teaches skills and techniques to make permanent changes in eating habits and levels of physical activity to prevent weight gain.
A Health Coach Method develops life long healthy living and nutrition behaviors.

Q Are food choices flexible and suitable? Are weight goals set by the client and the health professional?The program should consider your food likes and dislikes and your lifestyle when your weight loss goals are planned.
A Health Coach Method has suggested menus based on three lifestyles but each person creates their own daily menus according to the principles of Health Coach Method, American Institute for Cancer Research and the American Heart Institute’s Dietary Approach to Stop Hypertension (DASH)

Remember, quick weight loss methods don't provide lasting results. Weight loss methods that rely on diet aids like drinks, prepackaged foods, or diet pills don't work in the long run. Whether you lose weight on your own or with a group, remember that the most important changes are long term. No matter how much weight you have to lose, modest goals and a slow course will increase your chances of both losing the weight and keeping it off
A Health Coach+ does not require that you buy food or diet supplements. We do offer some foods as a courtesy for busy people, but clients always have these recipes as well. Our goal is to teach you how to live independent healthy lives. Slow and steady, consistently quality decisions on food and exercise, made over time is the formula for lasting weight management.

As a note: Health Coach Method can be done in three ways:

  1. One-on-One or small groups at our studio at 10 Calendar Court, Columbia, SC, (in Forest Acres)
  2. On-site of your workplace in groups of 15-25 people
  3. We are developing the Webinar delivery to groups outside the midlands of SC. Call us if you are interested in this option.

Kathleen Wood,

Medical Exercise Specialist and Health Coach Method Facilitator

Monday, July 14, 2008

Fired for being Fat?

Saturday, I ran across an interesting debate on a morning news show.

Can Employers require you to lose weight as a condition of employment or health insurance benefits?

Whew! It got furocious!

One side actually invoking the bill of rights and the pursuit of happiness! Not sure a double whopper was what our founding fathers had in mind, but...

The other side making the case for employers shouldering the high cost of health care for employees with lifestyle related disease/illnesses that are preventable with exercise and appropriate diet.

Point well taken. We must be responsible for our personal health. Nobody is debating that healthy living is a good thing. The issue is whether exercise and weight management is enforcable as a condition of employment.

For 90% of people with coronary heart disease, their disease was caused by factors within their control:

  • how you eat,

  • how you move,

  • how you manage stress,

  • how much sleep

Is it an invasion in your personal rights to ask you to be responsible for the cost of health care premiums if you chose not to control the areas that you have the ability to control? Do you have the right to kill yourself on the installment plan at company expense?

Regardless of whether companies have the right, it is impractical to think lifestyle could be regulated effectively. Most people work better by putting a benefit in front of them rather than a fine if they do not.

Increasingly companies are realizing the value of incentivising exercise and weight loss, smoking cessation, etc. Rather than a cost, employers consider it a real investment in their employees and future cost containment.

I work with a company called Health Coach . As we have taken our weight management program into businesses to provides group weight loss coaching we've seen several neat asides. Yes, participants lost weight, but more importantly, they lowered their cholesterol, lowered their blood pressure, bonded as team members, and built positive self esteem.

How is your personal responsibility factor?

Tim Russert's heart attack was tragic and cut short a valued, and loved life. Make sure you are not on a similar surprise track. For the sake of people you care about and care for, Please, look at your lifestyle.

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Mortality Check

For the second time in a few weeks we've learned about the death of someone whose face and presence we've come to appreciate. Tony Snow died of colon cancer.

Cancer is considered a lifestyle disease, meaning how we live, eat and move has a substantial impact on our predisposition toward the disease. That means that 66% of time cancer is correlated to our lifestyle, more than our genetics. Tony Snow was in the 33% of the population who have a genetic predisposition to cancer. He got screenings, he was active, he still got cancer.

There are no guarentees to eating healthy and exercising, but If it's proven that you hold the power to reduce it from probability to be meerly possibility of cancer, wouldn't you do it?

Eat Vegetables and fruits more.
Exercise at least a little most every day.
Know your risk factors and screen for everything you can.

Thanks for keeping us on-task Tony

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Renovations Are Hard Work

We started some renovations in our home this week.
Sounds crazy but I'm thrilled to see the bathroom in total destruction mode! The more I scrapped off the wallpaper the more energized I got. I even got a thrill from scraping the popcorn off the ceiling and getting those crumbles from head to toe. I stood looking at my naked room, no tile, no wallpaper, no ceramics and I LOVED it- temporarily.

You see, once we started tearing out the old it was clear, there was no turning back. We were on a clear path to a new reality, one I've desired for a long.

It's not much different when you talk about losing weight.
It's amazing how long you can put up with something you've wanted to change for so long.
And then...one day... you start the demolition.

You peel away the ragtag, dated, stained excuses and habits. Every layer that comes off becomes more energizing than the last. Every step moves you closer to the new reality of a healthier, happier brand new- YOU!
  • You set the alarm 15 minutes early and start to walk. Ahh. Man, the air feels refreshing!
  • You pack an extra bottle of water. Amazing how good water tastes, you know?
  • At the last minute, you change that order to grilled chicken. Umm. tastes great!
  • I even savor the way my muscles feel when they talk back to me after a strong workout.

You and I are on a grand adventure, one of becoming who we have longed to be. Every decision is either removing the old or building the new.

Make every decision count this week!

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Staying on Track: Good, Better, Best!

  • Fitness is not perfection, it's PROGRESSION!

Everyone begins the journey to healthy living from different beginning points. What is hard for me may be easy for you, and what's no-sweat for me may be a mountain for you.

Trying to move too quickly is a recipe for failure and frustration. It's not uncommon to circle the same loop a few times as we figure out a thing or two. The important thing is to keep progressing. If you are doing better today than you did yesterday or last week, don't sweat the small fluctuations in motivation.

You want to take what is good and make it better, and when you are ready, make better into best. What does that look like?

  1. Changing choices,
  2. Changing frequency
  3. Planning for success.

For Nutrition: You're used to eating burgers and fries at fast food 3-5 days a week

Good: Choose one

  • Eating out only 2 days
  • Changing burger to grilled chicken first once a week, then twice, etc.
  • Dropping the fries

Better: Choose 2 or more

Best: A salad with lite dressing

For exercise: Watching sports on tv is a close to exercise as you've been lately:


  • Strolling 10 minutes at lunch
  • Parking further out in the parking lot


  • taking the stairs at work instead of the elevator
  • walking briskly to where your are breathing deeply, multiple times a week
  • Weight training a couple days a week


  • 30-40 minutes of challenging cardio, 5 days a week
  • Weight training intensely 3-5 times a week.
Palmetto Fitness Focus is here to help you determine where your beginning point is, and how to find good to better, and better to best choices in your life.

Kathleen Wood

This is part 6 of a 10 part series on Staying on Track- Weight Management Series

Friday, July 4, 2008

Freedom to Eat Anything You Want!

It's July fourth.
I can almost smell the aroma of the grills.
There will be hamburgers, brats and hotdogs at cookouts, fried chicken at picnics and ice cream churned, watermelons cut across our great land. All enjoyed in the celebration of Freedom. Great cause. Good intention. But I wonder-

Is the freedom that we celebrate a freedom to do anything that we want- even to our detriment?
Our fore fathers fought and died for us to have a better life, to live unencumbered by tyranny imposed by British tyrants who subjugated us because it prospered them financially. It made them powerful while making us powerless.
Fast forward 232 years, to 2008. It’s “Independence Day”. Yet, as Americans we are subjugated again, not by a foreign tyrant, but by our own self centeredness. You can see it in any number of crises but none more critical and personal that our national health care and obesity crisis.

Is anyone unaware of the high cost of health care? That premium on our paycheck spits in our eye every month. We are waking up to the reality that there is a very high cost to being unhealthy. Politicians seize the platform to cry out that health care costs are somehow the fault of the government or the insurance company. It is neither.

“There are no victims, only volunteers”

Obesity in America is the fault of everyone of us who volunteers to make bad choices because we have the “freedom” to do so.

It’s not the one brat at the July 4th family picnic, it’s that you have a hamburger with mayo and cheese AND a brat AND potato salad AND Potato Chips with dip washed downed with a six pack of beer or soda AND topped of with a bowl of full cream-homemade ice cream with carmel topping and whipped cream.
It’s that hamburger with fries (biggie-sized) on your lunch hour 4 days this week. It’s that Double cheese, pepperoni and sausage pizza.
It’s the fact that walking enough to sweat is considered “uncomfortable” until it is compared to the level of discomfort of your heart attack and prescribed as cardiac rehabilitation.

So am I advocating that you cancel the family picnic? Hardly.
It will be afun time simply being with your loved ones, so could you alter the menu to include SOME healthy alternatives for that picnic?

  • Fruit salad
  • Vegetable tray
  • Potato salad made with non-fat mayo.
  • Salsa instead of ranch dip (which is simply mayo with spices)
  • Angel food with strawberries and blueberries instead of ice cream
  • Grill chicken instead of frying it or grilling hamburgers?
  • Could you modify what you eat the week before and after in anticipation of the impact of this one celebration meal?

Don’t volunteer for an early death or a life constantly fighting preventable disease.
Instead of being captive to our freedom to self indulge, celebrate your freedom to LIVE, live longer and live more active healthy lives.
Make this your “Independence Day”

Compound Interest on Actions

I listen to professional development CD's all the time. I admit it I'm addicted.
I have a Life Coach (Some time I will write about this wonderful person and fabulous concept) This week she gave me a book on CD by Jeff Olson called "Slight Edge"

The preface alone was a WHOA experience. Stopped me dead in my tracks and I rewound it a couple times to take it all in.

Short version of first AHA moment:

Every action we take, good or bad doesn't change our life immediately but it is like compound interest, over time it's effect snowballs into life-altering concequences.
I thought about how we saved pitifully little in our IRAs when we were just out of college but over (and I'm not saying how many) years it has compounded and I'm amazed at where that little bit is today.

Jeff Olson says (loosely quoted) "Its easy to exercise 30 minutes a day. It's easy not to as well. But the NOT exercising decision compounded over 1 year, five years, thirty years and you have a really bad health outcome. Making the choice TO take a few minutes a day to exercise is not hard, but compounded over time produces a healthy body and life"

Think about that. You don't get unhealthy with the one cheeseburger, but that same poor food choice made repetitively over years is why we have an obese population in America. It isn't that we don't know that we should eat more healthy food, or that it is harder to make better choices. Just think what would happen if we compounded the positive effect of exercise and correct food choices!
I recommend this book "The Slight Edge" by Jeff Olson.

I'll post some other profound stuff he shares later.
When I do my motivation teleseminar series, I want to interview THIS guy.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Stretching Can Change Your Life

My husband commented when he was learning some new stretching techniques that He said he felt like a turtle on his back rocking back and forth! Well maybe you can relate!

If I could change a person's life in one day it would be to introduce a daily regimen of simple stretching.

Stretching alone will not improve endurance or strength, but stretching may help keep you limber and reduce some back and muscle pain
  • Use gentle movements as a form of light stretching before cardio and strength exercises
  • After your activity, when your muscles are warm, do extended stretching exercises.
  • Do each exercise 3 to 5 times at each session. Hold the stretched position for 10 to 30 seconds. Total session should last 15 to 30 minutes.
  • Move slowly into position; never jerk or bounce into position, nor should it cause pain.
  • If stretching exercises are the only kind of exercise you are able to do, do them at least 3 times a week, you can do them every day.

Email me about your situation.I can send you stretches that are appropriate for your muscle tightness. dailyweightlossmotivation at Yahoo.com

It will change your life!