Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Tomorrow Not Promised

I went to a funeral today.
I haven't been to very many.
Her death was quick in coming once her illness set in.
She lived long enough for all the right words to transpire, but not long enough to see the third grandchild born, and she knew, and served God.

The thing about funerals is that you can't escape seeing yourself in the scenerio.
What would be said about my life? Would so many come to "pay respects" and support my loved ones. Will I have the luxury of time to say "I love you" to my beloved?
It isn't like any of us are getting around the fact that we WILL die.
It is just when, and how.

More importantly, are we LIVING well, the time we have on this earth, and do we know for a fact what happens when we leave this world?
She did.
I do.
Do you?

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